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Welcome to the last meeting with the student union board, the December union meeting!

The meeting will be held in Västan, Agricum and the student union board hope to see as many of you students as possible! As a student union member, you may apply for a committee or council post. You may also propose a motion, which could include a suggestion for a new committee, a new post within a committee, or any changes you wish to see within the student union.

Motions need to be sent to the secretary (sek_ask@stud.slu.se) no later than 10 working days before the meeting.

How do I apply for a post in the union?

You could either send an email to sek_ask@stud.slu.se with the post you would like to apply for, announce your interest in a post during the meeting, OR by filling in the form below:https://forms.gle/XrGeLrcQKPd25wiU8You will be PRIORITIZED for the post you apply for if you fill in the form or send an email to our secretary!

If you are prevented from attending the meeting, you can write a proxy to the secretary, email them and they will help you.

Information about the meeting:
Where: Västan, Agricum

When: The 7th of December at 13.30

After the meeting, we will have a Christmas-inspired event, you don’t want to miss it, we promise!!

Hope to see you all there